Episode 84: Amplifying Alignment With Data-Driven Enablement


Shawnna Sumaoang
Shawnna Sumaoang
Vice President, Marketing -Community, Highspot
Kerstin Valet
Kerstin Valet
Regional Director, Marketing and Communications, CRIF
Podcast Transcript

According to Forrester, 72% of business professionals share that improving the ability to innovate would be a higher critical priority in the year ahead. So how can enablement help you drive innovation for your business?

Shawnna Sumaoang: Hi, and welcome to the Win Win Podcast. I am your host, Shawnna Sumaoang. Join us as we dive into changing trends in the workplace and how to navigate them successfully. 

Here to discuss this topic is Kerstin Valet, the regional director of marketing and communications at CRIF. Thank you for joining us. I would love for you to tell us about yourself, your background, and your role. 

Kiersten Valet:
Thank you, Shawnna, and I’m happy to be with you.

I am Kierstin Valet from CRIF, I head the marketing and communications area for Germany, Austria, and Poland. I’m actually Austrian, I lived pretty long in Vienna and six years ago, I moved to the beautiful city of Hamburg in Germany, taking over the team. We are taking care that our clients get the best support in data, analytics, and solutions for identity, credit risk, and fraud management. In marketing communication, our task is to address the different industries with our products, make sure they know the added value, and play the whole marketing suite we have at our disposal.

SS: Wonderful. I’m really excited to have you here with us as a fellow experienced marketing leader, I’d love to hear more about your strategy and priorities. What are some of the key business initiatives that you’re focused on at CRIF? 

KV: So you’re touching on a very important point. We started our last strategy circle back in 2020 because we are in a very dynamic market and want to make sure that we always address the right needs our customers have, and because a sustainable business model is crucial for success.

As I said, the focus is identity, credit risk, and fraud management solutions. So everything that you need to reduce your payment loss, to reduce your risks in general, and to provide the right data and the right solutions to make information-based decisions on the side of our clients.

SS: Absolutely. What would you say from your perspective, are some of the major challenges that marketing teams face today, especially in the financial services sector? 

KV: From my point of view the biggest challenge and the biggest shift that is currently going on in the marketing and communications area is becoming a profit center and going away from being just a cost center.

Adding value to the business and not just beautiful pictures. This is something that I think we are at a turning point here and I see a lot of my fellow marketers in the B2B environment, especially in the financial industry that they are just at this point, which also means a different way of collaborating with sales departments and product departments.

Especially as we don’t have potential products, we need to present them even more emotionally and underline the added value compared to others, in other industries. And here we are trying to put down silos to improve collaboration with sales, and marketing products, but also controlling and sharing.

Also, KPIs and goals to make sure that everybody is on the same page and wants to support the goals of others. This is something that I see as one of the challenges apart from what everybody is talking about now. AI, of course, also, is something that in marketing communications is challenging us a lot.

We’re trying to identify the use cases and become more productive to have time and resources for other tasks.

SS: And I think the marketing and sales alignment one is uniquely situated in a way that enablement can absolutely help to remove some of those silos between those organizations. How does utilizing an enablement platform like Highspot help you overcome some of the challenges that you just chatted about?

KV: First of all, it’s maybe important to understand that the topic of knowledge management. Which, maybe even on a higher level, has been part of our strategy map as one of the enablers that will make sure that everything that comes above bid, so all our strategic actions and growth levers, will become a reality or will become a success. Within this part of knowledge management and information platforms, we said we want to tackle first the heavy need of sales to have the right information, at the right time, over the right tool.

And additionally, what we saw then afterward with the project of sales enablement, we were able to get down those silos because at this point, be it a sales product or marketing, we all worked in the same tool, Highspot, which we also integrated into the CRM. So, our CRM became more and more our single source of truth. It was a real success that we not only implemented now in Germany but also [will be] rolling out to Austria and probably other countries to follow.

SS: Amazing. From your perspective, what is the strategic value of sales enablement, especially in the financial services industry? 

KV: Currently, we have the challenge to be more productive and reduce costs. With prices rising everywhere, every company has to make some changes. What we can see, thanks to Highspot and our focus on sales enablement, is first of all, for new people that are coming on board—especially in sales and in the financial services industry—we have products or solutions that are very complicated, or at least you have to explain a lot; it’s very technical.

Training new people coming on board is not so easy and probably they get lost on the way because they do not know where to find what. It’s imperative that product and marketing provide a common set of knowledge and documents to train new, but also existing people even faster and sell faster.

This is one of the advantages that we have now with Highspot to work on that and have a platform that is adapted for that purpose. But, on the other side, it’s also getting insights from marketing and product, how sales are using our content because I think often marketers will know a sales company, “I need very urgently a specific product sheet, a specific brochure because I know our clients want that one and the others are not good enough.”

So now we can see when we produce that kind of collateral, are they used by sales? But then also by the client, how is he interacting with it?

To become more productive with our resources, but also to provide the client or potential client a better experience in terms of if we see he’s not reading our documents past page. Then probably we need to shorten it or bring the most important messages in the front or vice versa. A lot of the mindset changed a little bit applying Highspot to our use cases. So it’s a continuous learning process, and we get better and better. 

SS: Now, within your region, the financial services industry is hyper-competitive. How do you leverage your enablement platform to help you execute your competitive strategy? 

KV: You’re completely right, it’s highly competitive. It’s more about taking away market shares from other information services provider, because especially with us, nearly every company, nearly every bank has already credit rating agency, how we are calling ourselves, to optimize their risk management processes.

So, it’s just about taking away market share. And for that, we have to be different. We have to provide something on top. We have to create the “wow” effect. And I’m very happy that for now, at least in Germany—I hope this stays this way—none of our competitors are taking advantage of leveraging such tools like Highspot because, with the Digital Sales Rooms, we have the possibility to approach our clients in a more advanced way, in a more professional way. 

And, look here, you have everything that we shared along the contract negotiation phase or the customer life cycle. This is our common place where everything is. That we share information, and so on, you will find there. It’s also on this side a vehicle to create stronger customer relationships and provide this extra, which then hopefully makes the difference to decide on us and not for our competitors.

SS: One area in which you have seen success with your teams is using Sales Plays for product highlights, which has led to a 16% increase in adoption recently. How do you leverage Plays to drive consistency with your team and land your initiatives?

KV: We use Sales Plays to group information around a product line or a solution, which is information that has formerly been stored in different platforms in different ways. And the time to look for that has been enormous.

So I completely can understand that this feature in Highspot is one of the best or most appreciated ones by our sales force because they see, okay, Sales Play, I would say CNSG or ESG solution. And they know everything in there is up to date, is structured according to sales stage, is structured by the industry that they’re approaching, so the industry of our client. It makes it very easy for them to know what to use, when, and maybe what they need to do to prepare properly for the meeting. So everything is together and makes it very easy for them to know what to do. 

SS: Congratulations on the fantastic adoption on that front. Now, to shift gears a little bit, you mentioned at the beginning of the discussion the importance of having that insight into the data. And I know that it is really important to you to take a data-driven marketing strategic approach. How do you leverage data to optimize your strategy, and how do you leverage Highspot to help?

KV: As I said in the beginning, it was a key asset for us that Highspot could be implemented in our CRM system. We just introduced our new CRM platform some years ago and had still some trouble with adoption here. So, also thanks to Highspot, we got higher adoption in the CRM overall because suddenly our team also got value out of it and did not have only to insert data and comply with some processes.

So this was the first thing. And then, because the question was about the marketing strategy we see, of course, after an event, we create a CRM campaign and sales. But also, we add the leads there. For us, it’s important to see how many leads convert into opportunities, convert into contracts, and so on.

We then want to check how many contact people have been approached using, for example, Highspot, and how many [have] not. How did they react after an event, after a certain campaign to our content? How can we improve or even how can we use Digital Sales Rooms? For lead generation activities, sometimes we provide some content and use it on LinkedIn or via QR code in conferences.

Okay. Please go there, but before you can approach the content, you have to leave your email address. So we use Highspot in several use cases that then support, as you said, our marketing data-driven marketing strategy. And that’s very useful when the next planning cycle comes up to know what to do and what not to repeat.

A last point that is also interesting for other marketers, is you can also improve efficiency. We just had, some months ago, a new corporate identity relaunch. And as everybody knows, it’s a lot to do every collateral, every document has to be touched, has to be changed, and what did we do? Because we had already introduced Highspot, we had a look: what is currently in use?

And out of, let’s say a hundred just to give you a number, probably only 40 collaterals were actually used. So what did we do? We also used it to do some spring cleaning and we adopted the new corporate guidelines and corporate image guidelines for those 40 collaterals. And we saved a lot of money because we did not have to ask the graphic designer to do the rest.

So it’s a lot of time, and we saw that just in a few exceptions, sales asked us to change the design of one of the other 60 documents. So everything where you want to make a decision based on data can be supported with Highspot. Or, let’s say a lot of those decisions can be supported by Highspot if you really integrate it also in your strategy.

SS: I love that, that is amazing. You touched on a few pieces of advice already, but what advice do you have for other marketing leaders in your industry who may be considering implementing enablement or an enablement platform? 

KV: What I saw during the decision phase with Highspot, it was crucial to have everybody on board from the beginning.

What do I mean by that? It could have been worse if we as marketing, after closing everything and signing the contract [went] to sales and [said]: here, we have now the perfect solution. Please take it, please use it. I think in such a case, they would not have done anything and completely rejected it.

What was very imperative from the beginning to already, in the negotiation phase, have a small group of sales with us, making the tests with us. We made sure that what we sign is also something that will be appreciated, that will solve the needs, not just the needs marketing things sales have, but actually the needs that we’ll say are really good.

Then we also had support from the top. As I said, knowledge management was something that was an integral part of the strategy itself, so was also pushed by our management that for the different needs, we bring the right solution. I think having all those different entities of a company, also GDPR, IT security, et cetera, having them on board before taking the final decision. Maybe it makes the process longer, but in the end, it has proven successful. 

SS: That is already starting to unify and align all of the various departments that need to work together in your go-to-market motions Last question for you as you look ahead In what ways are you planning to utilize enablement to continue to evolve and innovate your marketing strategy within your organization?

KV: First of all, we are looking to extend the usage of the training and development module. So we are developing specific courses, training courses, for the different parts of our sales team. This is also in close collaboration with our product management team. Then we want to further extend the usage of Digital Sales Rooms.

And that those are directly sent from the opportunity entity in the CRM so that we have to connect, that we also see and can measure in cases where the clients have received, or the entity opportunity has received, a sales place or Digital Sales Rooms from our sales, if the sales cycle gets shorter or if something changes in the way the client is behaving.

Overall, of course, have a look if we are more successful together with Highspot. Always also hear data-driven, how is the adoption, and what can we do better together so that we bring the best practices then also to other countries, as I said, Austria is next on the roadmap. Some, of the early adopters are already working with it and giving us good feedback and it will be a challenge or a topic of the next weeks and months to extend that even further.

SS: How exciting. Again, congratulations, and thank you so much for joining us today. I really appreciate your time. 

KV: Thank you for inviting me, and looking forward to our next projects ahead. 

SS: To our audience. Thank you for listening to this episode of the Win Win podcast. Be sure to tune in next time for more insights on how you can maximize enablement success with Highspot.

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