How Devo Used Sales Rigor to Boost Deal Size by 20%

Devo sped up sales cycles and boosted deal size with Highspot.

faster sales cycle time
increase in deal size
improvement in quota attainment


For busy security teams, the effort of protecting every entry point within the organization can be relentless. Devo offers enterprise software to lessen this load, providing its global customer base with solutions that quickly identify and respond to threats. As its global reach expands, the company — and its sales team — is evolving. To keep pace with the change, Devo sought a unified enablement partner to establish a strong enablement foundation that could scale alongside it.






Growing Startup Seeks Partner to Standardize Sales Processes

Rapid growth is a mark of success for any organization, but it comes with its fair share of challenges — a fact Devo learned as it underwent its own fast-paced evolution.

To manage and maximize the potential of that growth, Devo needed a way to create a scalable sales process and get reps new to the organization and the industry up to speed without the lag time. “We noticed that sellers without a deep background in our industry struggled to ramp up,” explained Erin Crowell, associate product marketing specialist at Devo. But doing so required a more robust solution than it currently had. “The enablement environment to the sales force was a Google Drive,” shared Chris Wraight, head of enablement and customer education at Devo. “That was a two-fold problem, for both our content producers and our sellers.” Without an accessible single source of truth, new reps struggled to hit the ground running and seasoned reps grappled with wasted selling time. It was a gap Devo sought to resolve, knowing that inefficiencies in its current system only added to the challenges of its reps’ day-to-day. “The life of a rep is pretty frantic,” emphasized Wraight. “They’re constantly being tugged between generating new business and closing with prospects in the pipeline.”

Devo knew it needed to equip its reps to face the challenges of their role head on, seeking to create the standardized procedures that would shape its success over time. But having outgrown its previous solution and knowing consistent sales processes would only become more essential as it continued to grow, it needed to make a change. To drive operational rigor and ramp new reps faster, Devo chose Highspot as its partner for the future. 

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We’re a pretty robust startup, and we’re growing rapidly. With that growth comes a lot of challenges. The organization grows, and we’re hiring new reps constantly.

Chris WraightHead of Enablement and Customer Education , Devo


Focus on Consistency Creates Strong Foundation for the Future 

Devo uses MEDDPICC as its sales methodology, a guiding formula it aimed to replicate in its Highspot instance. “We have been able to organize the content in accordance with our sales process and the various sales stages we use,” shared Wraight. Highspot Analytics optimized this process, helping Devo identify the content reps and buyers alike find most effective. Knowing which content works, the team began to surface it to reps within their existing workflows. “We’ve also been able to [target content to reps] within Salesforce as well,” added Wraight. “We’ve made life a lot easier for reps with the integration.” Now, reps can self-serve best-practice content within their flow of work, creating self-led opportunities to boost competence — and confidence.

From there, Devo leveraged Highspot’s buyer engagement capabilities to standardize how reps shared content with prospects. “We make very extensive use of Digital Rooms,” noted Wraight. “It gives you a living, breathing place to add and subtract content easily. Rather than firing more emails off to the prospect, you can just update the content there.” With Digital Rooms, Devo gained a way to create professional, personalized microsites at scale — and key insights into how buyers interacted with them. That engagement data set reps up for success, providing them with a roadmap to closed won. 

Highspot’s external sharing capabilities have been huge for Devo, helping its reps hone their engagements and effectively target prospects’ unique needs. “We’ve seen some great progress among our reps to increase their usage,” said Wraight. “But we’ll never be happy until it’s 100%.” Already, consistent external sharing has given Devo newfound operational rigor and a 21% faster sales cycle time — as usage grows, so too will its impact.

Using information on the resources they found the most helpful, we were able to create a new training course to empower our less mature sellers.

Erin CrowellAssociate Product Marketing Specialist, Devo


Streamlined Sales Process Sparks Revenue Returns

After equipping its sales team with a full-circle enablement ecosystem, Devo saw immediate improvements in performance. Highspot’s unified platform and native tools eased the challenges of modern sales for brand-new and seasoned reps alike, simultaneously simplifying and refining its go-to-market approach. “Highspot makes it so much easier to condense information into one convenient location for reps to find and leverage,” explained Wraight. With Highspot, Devo’s sales force is sharper than ever, with quota attainment rates increasing 11% since implementing the platform. 

For a fast-growing start-up, establishing strict guard rails for go-to-market performance is an essential but daunting task. But through its partnership with Highspot, Devo has been able to create the rigorous sales processes that drive results. Now seeing a 20% increase in deal size, Devo’s wins today feed into the success of tomorrow, creating a streamlined flywheel that harnesses present growth to secure future potential.

he impact of Highspot on our organization is extremely positive. It's had a huge favorable and positive impact on our sellers' ability to create and close business.

Chris WraightHead of Enablement and Customer Education, Devo

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