Searching for a New Solution
Twenty million students worldwide have felt the impact of Ellucian’s services and solutions. “Almost 3,000 universities use our solutions to empower student success in everything from enrollment to advancement, finance, and beyond — with a complete, integrated SaaS platform that uses data to drive student success.,” began Rebekah Bernard, revenue enablement program manager at Ellucian. The edtech leader’s reach is incredible — even still, it felt that something was missing. While Ellucian had an enablement solution, sellers expressed dissatisfaction with its disjointed experience and lack of comprehensive support. “ The sales team has asked us for years: ‘Can we just have one place to go?’” shared Bernard.
The frustration wasn’t limited to internal sellers: Ellucian relies on an extensive channel organization, which operated in a silo and faced similar struggles with surfacing materials and messaging. “Our partner team and revenue enablement team are separate organizations, so we’ve traditionally been siloed,” added Bernard. Unfortunately, investments into a previous solution hadn’t had nearly the desired effect. Teams remained siloed; internal and partner sellers still lacked a single source of truth. To align its go-to-market teams and smash sales silos, Ellucian decided it was time to make a change. “We started to look at some tools and think about what else is out there that might serve us better,” explained Bernard.
As Ellucian evaluated other solutions, a clear winner emerged. “We were super excited about some specific things with Highspot,” continued Bernard. “One is the analytics platform and having actionable insights at our fingertips, and then basic things like the functionality of search, the ease of finding content, and the fact that it offers a streamlined administrative experience.” Seeing the value of a natively built platform and the capabilities its previous solution had sorely lacked, Ellucian switched to Highspot.