How Resolute Investment Managers Boosted Quota Attainment by 60%

Resolute Investment Managers leverage Highspot to achieve more: 60% more sellers achieved quota since launching. 

increase in sellers attaining quota
increase in content adoption
decrease in seller ramp time


As Dana Klein, VP of sales strategy and planning at Resolute InvestmentManagers, describes it, the financial services industry favors face-to-facesales work. “Our business changed dramatically with the pandemic – virtual meetings using Highspot became essential – but it’s still a business that’s based on relationships,” he says. As such, Klein and team gravitated toward software that brings a personalized touch to a digital platform.Now, they use Highspot in combination with Salesforce to track KPIs, streamline training, and share content. “Highspot is the second most-used piece of software [after Salesforce] by our sales team,” says Laurel Tucker, manager of sales intelligence at Resolute.Digital Evolution: How ResoluteInvestment Managers BoostedQuota Attainment by 60%


Financial Services




Tracking Sales Success in a Heavily Regulated Industry 

The sales team at Resolute faces a selling landscape unique to their industry. Case in point: the leads they follow are finite. “We sell to people who we know are registered within our industry to be able to sell our mutual funds,” explains Tucker, meaning Resolute wholesalers sell to a fixed number of financial advisors.

This makes the use of Highspot highly intentional. “Our sales team uses Highspot to pitch from within the Salesforce platform,” says Tucker. “The combination of Highspot and Salesforce helps us relate pitches to specific deals and track KPI’s.” The insights derived from Highspot and Salesforce help leaders ensure that salespeople are hitting certain goals. “Our rule is, if it’s not in Salesforce, it didn’t happen,” says Klein, making the integration of Highspot in Salesforce particularly valuable.

And, in a highly regulated industry where even commenting on a social media post can be seen as non-compliant, the sales team at Resolute uses Highspot to keep up with strict regulations. “When we create content to share externally, it’s a multi-step process to get it approved,” explains Klein. “Highspot is very useful in that it helps us organize content into internal and external spots, helping us stay compliant.”

Resolute also uses Highspot to keep up with industry regulatory requirements, including Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS) that require asset management firms to provide yearly performance information on investments. “We use Highspot to pitch those updates to everyone who we are required to share the information with,” says Klein. “That way, we have a record of who received the original report, so we can send them the latest version. We can even see who opened it, which is helpful. This wouldn’t be possible if we simply sent the updates via email attachment.”

Our sales team uses Highspot to pitch from within the Salesforce platform. The combination of Highspot and Salesforce helps us relate pitches to specific deals and track KPI’s
Laurel TuckerManager of Sales Intelligence, Resolute Investment Managers


A Right-Sized Sales Enablement Solution 

In the past, Resolute used multiple platforms to share content and track simple metrics. When it was announced that one of them would no longer be available, Klein and his colleagues had a year to evaluate and choose a replacement enablement platform, this time with more robust capabilities. “We evaluated a variety of alternatives,” he recalls, before ultimately settling on Highspot because it offered a competitive price, had robust reporting and analytics functions and didn’t make us pay for features we didn’t need when we already had a redundant solution.” he notes. In addition to bi-weekly calls with the Highspot team, Tucker appreciates the ongoing new feature releases in Highspot. “That’s always refreshing,” she says. “I am not getting upsold on something. We are able to use the new features as they become available.”

When we post links to training videos in Highspot, we see engagement go up. Highspot helps a small team be much more efficient.

Dana KleinVP of Sales Strategy and Planning, Resolute Investment Managers


Boosting Engagementand Bringing Content to Sellers Instantly

For a recent series of webinars, Klein and Tucker tested how the use of Highspot would affect engagement. “We directed everyone to use Highspot rather than email to share information about the upcoming webinars,” says Klein. A Highspot Play contained the latest information on the new campaigns – everything from lead lists to what to include when contacting prospective customers. “It was a learning curve, but what we found was the people who were most successful werethe ones who used the Highspot Play we built for them.”

Tucker and Klein also use Highspot to gain insights into how sellers are performing and what affects their success. “We noticed one individual who bumped up their performance significantly,” says Tucker. “When we took a look into what he was doing, we saw that he was following the Highspot sales play exactly.” Overall, the sales team at Resolute have increased success: 60% more sellers have achieved quota since launching Highspot.

Also, Highspot makes it easier for sellers to find content, something Klein thinks is key to the tool’s success. “Salespeople just type what they need in the search box and get the right content, instantly,” he says. “We have seen 10 times more content adoption with Highspot compared to our previous solution.” And, analytics help Klein and Tucker make informed decisions about content strategy.“If we see that something isn’t being used, that is our sign to clean it up,” saysKlein. While the financial services industry evolves, Resolute is ahead of the curve, using Highspot to gain powerful insights.

When we introduced Highspot to our sales team, we promised we were giving them a tool that would help them be more efficient. We are already seeing that play out.
Laurel TuckerResolute Investment Managers, Manager of Sales Intelligence